Susan Buirge

(English is next to Japanese)



幼少の頃から様々なダンスに触れて育ち、ミネソタ大学在学中にモダンダンスに出会う。1962年に初のソロダンス “A Trilogy”を制作する。大学卒業後、ニューヨークのジュリアード音楽院に入学し、1963年から1967年までアルウィン・ニコライ・ダンスシアターで学びながらニコライの助手を務める。1968年の作品 “Televanilla” はダンスとビデオ映像を組み合わせた歴史上初の作品となった。



1985年の “Patch of Sky”、1994年から1998年にかけて制作した “The Cycle of the Season”等の作品から最近の作品に至るまで、彼女の作品は構成の芸術と呼ぶべきものであり、それは実存の探求を可能にするものとも言えよう。およそ100に及ぶ作品の制作を通じて彼女は現代舞踊の未踏の世界を開拓した。とりわけ場と方位が綿密に構成された振付を行うことで、空間と空間の関係性をより強固にすることに努めてきた。

1992年から1998年にかけて京都のヴィラ九条山にレジデントアーティストとして滞在した際に、雅楽の演奏家や京都の現代舞踊家とユニークな作品を制作する機会に恵まれた。4つの作品からなる “The Cycle of the Season”は、人間の文明や歴史に絶えず対峙してきた彼女の作品の中でも特筆すべきものとなった。その経験が神楽の儀式舞を調査研究する要因となった。


・ヴィラ九条山名誉賞 1992-1993年
・SACD振付大賞 1998年(フランス)
・コマンドール勲章 2010年(フランス)
・レジオン・ド・ヌール勲章 2015年(フランス)

・「西から東へ」~エチオピア・ギリシャ・シリア・日本・台湾・インドの旅~ Le Bois d’Orion出版1996年
・「うぶすな」~生者の記憶~Editions Lansman出版 1998年
・「季節の隙間で」Le Bois d’Orion出版 1998年
・「森の眼」Le Bois d’Orion出版 2002年
・「ダンスにおける空間と人生」Le Bois d’Orion出版 2012年

Interview of Susan Buirge 2014 – in French with Japanese subtitles

■The Cycle of the Season(1994-1998)
・秋のダンス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skm5p9c2F20
・春のダンス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YiSUy1VEo
・夏のダンス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzbnSwlc3gA

■80 minutes pour le Japon/80 minutes for Japan 2011
Susan Buirge 1 minute.



American-born and naturalized French, the dancer, choreographer and pedagogue Susan Buirge is a major figure of contemporary dance in France, and a grand voyager along a path that carried her from Minneapolis and New York to France, and from France to Japan.

Studies various styles of dance in childhood and discovers modern dance at the University of Minnesota where she receives a BA degree in Communications, and choreographs her first solo A Trilogy (1962). After a year of study at the Juilliard School in New York, she dances with the Alwin Nikolais Dance Theatre from 1963 to 1967. With Televanilla (1968) she is the first to incorporate video in a live dance performance.
Taking her distance from dance in New York City she arrives in France in 1970 and establishes her own company. Her teaching influences generations of dancers and choreographers in France. along with touring and teaching extensively in France, throughout Europe, North America, Africa, Asia. and the Caribbean.

Breaking with Nikolais’ aesthetic, whose work remains for her “an explosion of potentialities, opening paths of invention”, Susan Buirge joins the tendencies of minimal art through the extreme sobriety of gesture and repetitive processes. She actively contributes to the introduction in France of the innovations of American dance: performances in unusual places, questioning the role of the choreographer, collaborations with painters, video artists, architects and composers. Attentive to founding myths, her rigorously constructed choreographies based on dance as an abstract art are nourished with emotional undercurrents. From Patch of Sky (1985), a luminous piece and emblematic of her work, to the serenity of “The Cycle of the Seasons” (1994-1998) and into her recent works she remains faithful to the idea that choreography is an art of construction allowing humans to better situate themselves.

Untiring innovator, emblematic figure with some one hundred pieces, Susan Buirge has opened multiple paths for contemporary dance. In particular, the materialization of spatial relationships through detailed configurations of place and orientation.

Beginning with her residence at the Villa Kujoyama, between 1992 and 1998 her work with a gagaku music master and Japanese contemporary dancers in Kyoto leads to the unique association of contemporary dance and ancient Japanese music. The four major pieces of the “Cycle of the Seasons” take a place of honor among the works of Susan Buirge, she who ceaselessly confronts civilizations and their history. In this spirit, she undertakes investigations into the Japanese dance forms of kagura.

As of 1995 she teaches a renowned composition workshop at the Royaumont Foundation which becomes the Center for Choreographic Research and Composition in 2000, a program for contemporary dance that she directs until 2007.
In 2008, she leaves Paris to live in the Japanese village of Kamate on the Japan Sea coast and directs Plateforme, a research project into ancient Japanese ritual dances and their possible influence on contemporary choreography.
In 2011, she marries the cultural producer Jiro Nemoto and now lives in Kitakyushu where she has begun research into the origins of dance in fixed forms.

Laureate, Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto 1992-1993
Prize for Choreography 1998, Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, Paris
Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters 2010
Knight of the Legion of Honour 2015

En allant de l’Ouest à l’Est / In Going from West to East, Editions Le Bois d’Orion, 1996
Travel notes from Ethiopia, Greece, Syria, Japan, Taiwan and India
Ubusuna, Collection Mémoire Vivante, Editions Lansman, 1998
Dans l’espace des saisons / In the Space of the Season, Editions Le Bois d’Orion, 1998
L’Œil de la forêt / The Eye of the Forest, Editions Le Bois d’Orion, 2002
Une vie dans l’espace de la danse / A Life in the Space of Dance, Editions Le Bois d’Orion, 2012



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