Choreographers 2021 (English information)
Choreographers 2021
Triple bill dance performance & pre-performance discussion
JCDN presents a triple bill evening of dance, titled “Choreographers 2021” . Works by three choreographers of the next generation, recipients of the KYOTO CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD 2020.
Date& Time: Thursday. December 30, 2021,
Pre-performance discussion: 16:30-17:15 (doors open at 16:15)
Performance: 17:30-19:30
Choreographers & Works:
Reisa SHIMOJIMA (Tokyo) “sky”
Moe MATSUKI (Kyoto) “Tartarus”
Ayano YOKOYAMA (Tokyo/Saimata) “Snow on the seafloor”
Pre-performance discussion: 16:30 – 17:15
“The Relationship Between Society and Contemporary Dance Works”
Tatsuro Ishii (dance critic) & Junko Yoshida (editorial board, Asahi Shimbun)
*in Japanese only

What contemporary dance choreographers actually do is not common knowledge. They are also writers, directors, philosophers, adventurers, and so on. Their dance sometimes works as an antenna receiving signals from society, and sometimes it is medium searching for truth. “Choreographers” is a series where we delve deeper into this relationship through performance and discussion.
This first installment of this series features the three winners of KYOTO CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD (KCA) 2020. The season’s hottest choreographers showcase their different worlds on stage. We recommend these award-winning performances for those new to contemporary dance.
Advance: 2,700 yen,
Under 25, disabled persons (and one caretaker); 2,000 yen,
High school students and younger: 1,000 yen
Couples: 5,000 yen (advance tickets only)
At the door, all other tickets plus 300 yen
All seats reserved.
*No admission for children of preschool age.
*Ticket holders with disabilities must present their disability certificate.
*For pre-performance discussion, performance ticket required.
For tickets,
call 075-746-3201 (ROHM THEATRE KYOTO / 10:00 – 19:00).
Dancing Daycare:
While you are attending the performance, we have a special daycare for your pre-school children. Dancing, drawing, playing, or they don’t have to do anything at all! We will have a comfortable and playful space for your kids.
Navigator: Eriko Suzumura & Hatsumi Yoshinaga (licensed nursery school teacher) – a community dance group for young families – “CHICHIKAKAKO”.
Time: 16:00 – 19:30
Maximum: 10 kids
Fee: 2,000 yen per child (three years and up)
*Reservation only, by Tuesday, December 28
For reservations:
Organized by:
NPO Japan Contemporary Dance Network(JCDN)
Tel: 075-361-4685(11:00 – 18:00)
For inquiries by email: