Choreographers 2021

Artist Profile

下島礼紗 Reisa SHIMOJIMA 

photo by Sato Mizuki

ダンスカンパニーケダゴロ主宰・振付家・ダンサー1992年、鹿児島県出身。7歳からよさこい踊りを中心に活動。桜美林大学にてコンテンポラリーダンスを木佐貫邦子に師事。これまで、木佐貫邦子、伊藤千枝(元珍しいキノコ舞踊団)、近藤良平(コンドルズ)作品等に出演。また演劇分野では、鐘下辰男(演劇企画集団THE・ガジラ)作品等に出演。2013年にダンスカンパニー ケダゴロを結成し、全作品の振付・構成・演出を行っている。ソロ代表作『オムツをはいたサル』、カンパニー代表作『sky』は、国内外多数のフェスティバルで上演。

Born in Kagoshima prefecture, Shimojima began studying dance at the age of seven focusing on Yosakoi dance, a unique style of Japanese dance performed at festivals throughout the country. She studied contemporary dance under Kuniko Kisanuki at J. F. Oberlin University, and formed the dance company KEDAGORO in 2013, for which she choreographs and produces work. Based on the idea of “dance as a method to explore the world,” she learns about the world through meeting people and expresses her ideas through choreography. Her renowned solo work Monkey in a diaper has been performed at numerous festivals in Japan and overseas. Shimojima is the recipient of the 8th Elsur Foundation New Face Award for Contemporary Dance.



ダンスカンパニーはなもとゆか×マツキモエを主宰、作品の構成・演出、共同振付を担当し京都、東京などで単独公演を行う。ジャンルレスなアーティスト集合体であるANTIBODIES Collectiveのメンバーとしても活動。近年より松木萌として個人活動を展開し、陽と陰、カンパニー作品と趣向を変えた作品を発表。人の持つ無数の矛盾に焦点をあて、その本質を探る。

 The dance duo (Hanamoto Yuka x Matsuki Moe), established in 2008, explores choreography and directional choices through collaboration. Since 2015, Matsuki has been focusing on the direction and composition within their collective works, which have been performed in cities such as Kyoto and Tokyo. She is also a member of the ANTIBODIES Collective, a group of performers coming from various backgrounds and movement genres. Matsuki is a graduate of Kyoto University of the Arts in Film and Performing Arts.


横山彰乃 Ayano YOKOYAMA

photo by Ayako Takamatsu

長野県出身。2009年より[東京ELECTROCK STAIRS]中心メンバーとして国内外の全作品に出演。2016年女性のみのダンスカンパニー[lal banshees]を立ち上げる。

A Nagano prefecture native, Yokoyama launched an all-women dance company lal banshees in 2016. She has developed a unique choreography style based on hip-hop and modern dance techniques, focusing on deriving movements of the body without being confined. She has intentionally been focusing on the female body, releasing works featuring neutral gender expressions and deep relationships between sound and movement. She embodies a music-focused dance that imaginatively isolates mundane moments, while bringing them back to reality.
